Footprints: A Go Green!? Game is about environmental awareness and where we get our energy from.  In the game the player is tasked with maintaining power for a city while trying to switch to fully renewable power. The player is challenged by a time constraint as they try to manage and maintain their power structures. The goal of the game is to switch to 100% clean energy and full sustainability. The player loses if they pollute the air too much, let the city go without power, or failing to meet deadlines set by the game.

Recommended for Google Chrome.

A UCSC Game Design Project

Developer Credits

  • Nicolae Christoffersen: Lead Designer / Programming
  • Christopher Kong: Lead Programmer
  • Dina Rosenberg: Background/Environment Artist
  • Hughe Vang: Lead Audio / Programmer / Artist / Designer
  • Austin Wiley: Button/Icon Artist / Designer

Material Credits